24 | Online Training- Investigating Sex Crimes - Section 3 & 4 *BY PATC | PATC Public Agency Training Council |
24 | Livestream: Background Investigations in Law Enforcement by DOLAN | Dolan Consulting Group |
24-25 | Effective Writing for Law Enforcement by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
25 | Strangulation -Investigative Indicators *BY PATC | PATC Public Agency Training Council |
26 | Police Use of Force 101: Essential Knowledge and Tactics *BY PATC | PATC Public Agency Training Council |
26-27 | Livestream: New Detective Training by DOLAN | Dolan Consulting Group |
27-28 | PowerPoint for Public Safety by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
1 | Recruitment: Hiring the Next Generation of Law Enforcement *BY PATC | PATC Public Agency Training Council |
8-9 | Social Media Methods by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
10-11 | Drug Identification by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
14-15 | Exploiting Technology in Real Time Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
21-22 | Excel for Public Safety by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
21-22 | OIS Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
21-22 | OIS Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
22-23 | Undercover Chatting and Personas by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
28-29 | Basic Threat Finance by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
28-29 | Managing the Property and Evidence Room (PW) *BY PATC | PATC Public Agency Training Council |
4-5 | Excel: Data and Mapping by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
4-5 | Narcotics Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
7-8 | Police Social Work (PSW) Programs by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
7-8 | Narcotics Enforcement by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
12-13 | Human Trafficking Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
13-14 | Cell Phone Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
18-19 | Effective Writing for Law Enforcement by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
21-22 | Interview Techniques by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
27 | Advanced Traffic Stops by Blue to Gold | Blue to Gold |
28-29 | PowerPoint for Public Safety by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
4-5 | Cryptocurrency Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
8-9 | Securing Your Identity by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
8-9 | Confidential Informants by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
15-16 | Critical Thinking for Law Enforcement by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
16-17 | Open Source Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
18-19 | Effective Search Warrant Writing by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
18-19 | OneNote: Digital Case Management by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
22-23 | Social Media Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
24-25 | Excel: Advanced Topics by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
30-1 | PIO and Community Engagement by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
9 | Social Media and Open-Source Investigations by Blue to Gold | Blue to Gold |
9-10 | Drug Identification by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
16-17 | Social Media Methods by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
20-21 | Exploiting Technology in Real Time Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
20-21 | OIS Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
20-21 | OIS Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
21-22 | Undercover Chatting and Personas by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
23-24 | Narcotics Enforcement by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
27-28 | Excel for Public Safety by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
27-28 | Basic Threat Finance by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
3-4 | Fentanyl Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
4-5 | Human Trafficking Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
5-6 | Excel: Data and Mapping by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
6-7 | Police Social Work (PSW) Programs by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
13-14 | Narcotics Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
19-20 | Cell Phone Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
20-21 | PowerPoint for Public Safety by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
20-21 | Interview Techniques by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
24-25 | Effective Writing for Law Enforcement by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
1-2 | Securing Your Identity by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
1-2 | Confidential Informants by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
4-5 | Cryptocurrency Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
8-9 | Critical Thinking for Law Enforcement by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
9-10 | Open Source Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
11-12 | Effective Search Warrant Writing by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
11-12 | OneNote: Digital Case Management by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
15-16 | Social Media Investigations by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
16 | Duty to Intervene by Blue to Gold | Blue to Gold |
17-18 | Excel: Advanced Topics by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |
18-19 | PIO and Community Engagement by POLICE TECHNICAL | Police Technical |