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Active Shooter
Active Shooter: Phases and Prevention PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Ambush Awareness and Preparation PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Active Shooter: Recognition and Basic Response PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Active Shooter Preparation and Response for Schools PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Law Enforcement Response to Active Shooter Incidents PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Best Practices in Dangerous Canine Encounters PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Law Enforcement Encounters with Canines PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Dispatcher Specialized Call Types (Chemical Suicides) PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Dispatcher: Stress Management PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Dispatcher: TTY PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Written Communication and Report Writing PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Domestic Violence Intervention for Dispatchers PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Handling Missing Children Calls for Dispatchers PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Dispatcher Specialized Call Types (Bomb Threats) PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Dispatcher Specialized Call Types (Sovereign Citizens & Domestic Terrorism) PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Dispatcher Specialized Call Types (Missing Persons/Sexual Exploitation) PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Dispatcher Specialized Call Types (Active Shooter) PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Dispatcher: Liability And Legal Issues PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Dispatcher: Ethics in Public Service PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Community Policing
Racial Profiling Part 2: Data Collection PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
MedicAlert: Community Policing Support PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Community Policing PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Implicit Bias PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Racial Profiling Part 1 PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
School Resource Officers PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Community Policing Strategies PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Problem Oriented Policing PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Hate Crimes Training For Law Enforcement PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Constitutional and Community Policing PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Missing Persons with Alzheimer's Disease PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Anti-Bias Training For Law Enforcement PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Civil Rights PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Cultural Awareness and Diversity Overview PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Racial Profiling for Missouri PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Computer & Internet
DFIR Investigative Mindset DFIR Training
Tracing Ethereum/ERC20 Tokens Through a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Fintech Focus Training/Consulting
Social Media and Law Enforcement PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Public Recording of Police Activities PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
PREA Imvestigator Certification & Annual Compliance Training Pacific Training Group LLC
Understanding and Responding to Excited Delirium Calls PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Court Security
Courthouse Security PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Courtroom Preparation, Conduct, and Presentation PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Crisis/Hostage /Mental Health
Keys to Effective Veteran Crisis Response for First Responders Secure Measures, LLC
Understanding Hostage Incidents PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Introduction to Incident Command System for Police Officers PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Crisis Intervention Training Overview PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Hostage Negotiations PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Stress Recognition and Resolution for Telecommunicators (Online) - by IPTM IPTM
Recruiting, Hiring, Training and Retaining Telecommunications Staff - IPTM IPTM
Drone Use for First Responders PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Marijuana Impaired Driving Detection for Law Enforcement - Online by IPTM IPTM
Dealing with the Difficult DUI (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Advanced Marijuana Impaired Driving Detection for Law Enforcement - by IPTM IPTM
Field Training Officer (FTO) Moser Training Solutions, LLC
Police Training Officer (PTO) Moser Training Solutions, LLC
Basic Firearm Safety PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Firearms Tactics PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Officer Wellness & Mental Health Awareness PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
1-Day Introduction to Resilience and Compassion for LE Compassion Institute
Stress and Your Health PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Suicide Prevention for Law Enforcement PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Bloodborne Pathogens PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Law Enforcement and the Family Dynamic PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Human Fatigue 24/7 PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
DFIR Investigative Mindset DFIR Training
Property and Evidence Room Management (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Juvenile Justice PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Certificate in Investigative Psychology (6-weeks fully online) IPRU
Tracing Ethereum/ERC20 Tokens Through a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Fintech Focus Training/Consulting
Crypto Tracing - Tether(USDT) from Pig Butchering / Completing a CTTL Fintech Focus Training/Consulting
Statement Analysis® On-Demand Training Statement Analysis LLC
The Cognitive Interview with Dr. R. Ed Geiselman Tab Cooper & Associates, llc
Financial Crimes PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Crypto Tracing - Tether(USDT) from Pig Butchering / Completing a CTTL Fintech Focus Training/Consulting
DFIR Investigative Mindset DFIR Training
Forensic Evidence Recovery for Crash Investigators (VoD) by IPTM IPTM
The Cognitive Interview with Dr. R. Ed Geiselman Tab Cooper & Associates, llc
Child Safety Upon Parental Arrest PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Touch DNA for Law Enforcement (Online) - by IPTM IPTM
Child Abuse and Neglect PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Hit and Run: Who Was Driving? (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Investigation of Pedestrian Collisions (VoD) - Online by IPTM IPTM
Identity Theft Crimes PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Preservation of Crucial Evidence in Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes (VoD) IPTM
Evidence Collection, Control, and Storage PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Suicide Investigation for Law Enforcement Investigators PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Tire Examinations - Tire and Wheel Forensics (VoD) - by IPTM IPTM
Fundamental Techniques of Crash Investigation (VoD) by IPTM IPTM
Hyundai-Kia & Tesla EDR Tools Technician (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Case Preparation and Courtroom Presentation (VoD) (Online) by IPTM IPTM
The Need, the Need for Weed: Cannabis-Related Traffic Collisions (VoD) IPTM
Bosch CDR Tool Technician Training - Online by IPTM IPTM
Recognition Of Child Abuse And Neglect PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Sudden Unexplained Infant Death (SUID) PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Vehicle Lamp Examinations in Traffic Collisions (VoD) - by IPTM IPTM
Implement a Drone Program for Crash Reconstruction: What You Need to Know IPTM
Human Trafficking, Part I PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Naloxone PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Champagne Taste on a Beer Budget: Manage the Do More with Less of DUI (VOD) IPTM
Correctly Recognizing and Safely Handling (CRASH) Evidence (VoD) by IPTM IPTM
Open Source Intelligence (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Statement Analysis® On-Demand Training Statement Analysis LLC
Pavement Edge Drop Off (VoD) - by IPTM IPTM
Roadway Evidence (VoD)- by IPTM IPTM
Human Trafficking, Part II PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Tracing Ethereum/ERC20 Tokens Through a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Fintech Focus Training/Consulting
Cyberstalking PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Reducing Graffiti in Your Community PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Using Social Media for Investigations PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Time Saving Techniques for Delivering High-Impact Scene Maps &Diagrams-VoD IPTM
Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Law Enforcement Intelligence PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Eyewitness Evidence and Identification – 3286 TCOLE PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Bloodstain Interpretation for Detectives (Hybrid) by IPTM IPTM
Current Drug Trends PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
The Benefits of Utilizing BWC During a Drug Influence Evaluation (VoD) IPTM
Major Case Management (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Impairment Outside the Numbers (VoD) by IPTM IPTM
Medical Foundations of Visual Systems Testing (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Interviews and Interrogations PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Blockchain Basics + Cryptocurrency/Non-Fungible Token Transaction Tracing Fintech Focus Training/Consulting
Certificate in Investigative Psychology (6-weeks fully online) IPRU
Handling Robbery Calls PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Comprehensive Steps to Investigating the Distracted Driving Crash (VoD) IPTM
Investigating Child Abuse and Neglect PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
The New Detective (Online) - by IPTM IPTM
Situational De-Escalation Techniques (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Adult Learning Concepts for Field Trainers PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Front-Line Leadership for Law Enforcement Advanced Police Concepts, LLC
Law Enforcement Grant Writing 101 PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Life After Public Safety - The Next Step (VoD) (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Generational Differences for Law Enforcement PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Fireproof Leadership (VoD) by IPTM IPTM
Body Worn Camera Program Implementation for Police Administrators - by IPTM IPTM
Effective Strategies for Preventing and Responding to School Violence IPTM
Police Use of Force: From a Supervisor Perspective (Online) - by IPTM IPTM
Managing the Patrol FTO Program (Online) by IPTM IPTM
First Line Supervision (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Effective Strategies for Law Enforcement Health and Wellness- by IPTM IPTM
Special Event Planning and Management (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Procedural Justice PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Warrantless DWI Blood Draw PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
State and Federal Law Update 3184 PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
First Amendment Rights for Public Sector Employees PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Arrest, Search, & Seizure (Fourth Amendment) PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Presenting Effective Testimony in a Courtroom PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
State and Federal Law Update 3186 PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Constitutional Law PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Litigation Procedures PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Officer Liability PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
State and Federal Law Update 3185 PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Less Lethal
Holds and Restraints PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Ethics In Law Enforcement PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
De-Escalation and Minimizing Use of Force PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Using Oleoresin Capsicum PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Officer Tactical Training PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Using the Straight Armbar to Gain Subject Compliance PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Must Read: How Police Leaders Can Improve Officer Safety During the Crisis PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Pandemic Ready PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Airborne and Bloodborne Pathogens PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Must Read: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Do To Weather The Storm PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Responding to People with Mental Illness PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Implementing a Body-Worn Camera Program PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
First Responders, Stress Management and Coronavirus PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Must Read: What Does Social Distancing Look Like for LE Street Operations? PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
COVID-19 for Law Enforcement PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Mass Casualty, Natural Disaster Standards PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Responding to Mental Illness with Compassion PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Subject Precipitated Homicide PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Body-Worn Cameras For Law Enforcement PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
COVID-19 Together, We Will Defeat the Enemy PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Infectious and Communicable Diseases PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Must Read: Preparing to Deliver Death Notifications During a Pandemic PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Must Read for Police: Policing in a Panic PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Must Read: COVID-19 FAQs About Testing, PPE, and Transmission PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Personal Protective Equipment (Mask fit test) PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Suicide by Cop PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Must Read: Enforcement Considerations for Quarantine and Isolation Orders PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Officer Survival
Overcoming Resistance: Start with Mental Preparation PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Officer Safety and Procedure in Domestic Violence Response PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Off-Duty, Safe, and Ready PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Preparing Your Response to Challenging Situations PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Vehicle Safety PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Field Training Officer (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Traffic Incident Management - Quick Clearance PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Tactical Patrol Considerations PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Operation R.U.S.H.: Criminal Patrol and Interdiction (Online) - by IPTM IPTM
Pursuit Driving PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Professional Police Driving PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Body Worn Cameras for Law Enforcement (Online) - by IPTM IPTM
First Responder Traffic Incident Management PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Defensive Driving Principles PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Intoxicated Driving PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Drunk Driving PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Driving Techniques PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Distracted Driving For Law Enforcement PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Pursuit Driving Basics PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Pursuit Driving Fundamentals PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Suspects in Medical Distress PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Promotional Testing
Connecticut First-Line Supervisors Promotional Course - J. Harris Training J Harris Academy of Police Training
IO Solutions Promotional Exam Courses - J. Harris Training J Harris Academy of Police Training
Assessment Center & Oral Board Promotional Courses - J. Harris Training J Harris Academy of Police Training
School Resource
Campus Based Training: Clery Act PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Tactical Medical for Patrol Officers (Online) - by IPTM IPTM
Protecting Transportation Systems PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol
Safe and Legal Traffic Stops (Online) by IPTM IPTM
Car Seat Basics for Law Enforcement Washington Child Passenger Safety
Use of Force
Use Of Force PoliceOne Academy/Lexipol