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July 2024
29 Trafficking, Terrorism & Tactics - Interdiction (Dynamic Police Training) Henderson, NV
August 2024
20-22 Fugitive Mission Planning & Cellular Investigative Techniques Course Las Vegas, NV
September 2024
16-17 Homicide Investigations Seminar Las Vegas , NV
20 Social Media and Open-Source Investigations by Blue to Gold Henderson, NV
23-27 Tactical Drone Pilot - POST Approved Las Vegas, NV
24-27 Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing & Advanced Interrogation™ Las Vegas, NV
October 2024
2 Statement Analysis® Interviewing Techniques Las Vegas, NV
7 Leadership in a Corrections Environment by Calibre Press Henderson, NV
15-17 Pat McCarthy's Street Crimes - Real World Training for the Real Police Henderson, NV
21-23 Leadership Through Understanding Human Emotional Intelligence *BY PATC Reno, NV
28-29 Advanced Child Abuse and Death (Conference) *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
28-31 Firearm Technology and Specialist Training Minden, NV
28-1 Hostage Negotiations and Crisis Intervention, Phase I and II (Conf *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
28-1 Leadership Institute for First Line and New Supervisors (Conferenc *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
28-1 Mobile Phone Investigations and Cellular Record Analysis (Conferen *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
28-1 New Detective and Criminal Investigator (Conference) *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
28-1 New Fire and Arson Investigator Academy Based on NFPA 921 *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
30-31 Managing the Property and Evidence Room (Conference) *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
30-1 The Mind Behind Abnormal and Deviant Behaviors (Conference) *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
November 2024
18 Street Level Policing - Geared Towards Proactive Officers (DYNAMIC) Henderson, NV
18-22 Criminal Investigations Using Cellular Technologies SME Course Las Vegas, NV
December 2024
9-10 Recruiting, Hiring Background Investigations and Retention (Confer *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
9-11 Courtroom Security and Threat Assessment (Conference) *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
9-13 Death and Homicide Investigation - Vegas *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
9-13 Field Training Officer Certification (Conference) *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
9-13 Hostage Negotiations, Phase III (Conference) *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
9-13 Internal Affairs Conference and Certification (Conference) *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
9-13 Officer- Involved Shooting and Use-of-Force 5-Day (Conference) *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
11 Seconds For Survival by Blue to Gold Henderson, NV
11-13 Interview and Interrogation for Investigators and Patrol Officers *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV
February 2025
24 Retail Recon – Mastering Retail Crime Investigations by Blue to Gold Henderson, NV
May 2025
21-23 Recovery of Human Remains - by Suncoast Forensics Reno, NV
June 2025
18 Seconds For Survival by Blue to Gold Henderson, NV
October 2025
20 Mastering Proactive Policing for Patrol by Blue to Gold Henderson, NV
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